When you click on the surface or points of a model, Nira will automatically show the coordinates on screen. These coordinates will be displayed in either world coordinates (using EPSG 4326 or the coordinate system you've chosen for processing the model) or local coordinates.
You can turn off the display of coordinates by unchecking the "Show Click Coordinates" option in the "Share..." dialog.
- Choose whether you want the coordinates to stay on screen or fade away after some time
- Switch between latitude/longitude coordinates and Cartesian coordinates
- Coordinate values
- Button to copy the values to the clipboard
Keep in mind that there will still be other places that will show geographic location coordinates.
- Orthomosaic maps, if included, will overlay the asset on a world map
- All Callouts that are designated as Defects. Callouts as Bookmarks or Annotations will not show geographic location coordinates.
- Asset preview page for Editors (logged in users)
- Map View (logged in users)
- Public Gallery Map
If you want to completely hide the geographic location coordinates, you will need to export your model using "local" coordinates.
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- How can I generate a high resolution orthomosaic or screenshot?
- How do I automatically display a message each time a model is loaded?
- How do I show or hide coordinates?
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- Why did my upload to fail to process?
- Why is my Nira scene empty?
- How do I delete an asset?
- Why is my asset upload listed as Stalled?
- How to identify and upload missing texture files
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