To best utilize all of Nira's georeferencing features, it is recommended to upload all the files outlined below from Pix4D:
Geolocation files
- 1_initial\params
Upload your and ..._wkt.prj files
Textured mesh files
- 2_densification\3d_mesh
- Upload your OBJ + MTL + JPG files
- Do not upload the FBX file -- the OBJ + MTL + JPG files will include everything you need
For example, for a Pix4Dmapper project called "Pix4D-Nira", the files you will want to upload are as follows:
- 1_initial\params\
- 1_initial\params\Pix4D-Nira_wkt.prj
- 2_densification\3d_mesh\Pix4D-Nira_simplified_3d_mesh.obj
- 2_densification\3d_mesh\Pix4D-Nira_simplified_3d_mesh.mtl
- 2_densification\3d_mesh\Pix4D-Nira_simplified_3d_mesh.jpg
You can optionally include your orthomosaic and point cloud files, such as:
- 3_dsm_ortho\2_mosaic\Pix4D-Nira_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif
- 2_densification\point_cloud\Pix4D-Nira_group1_densified_point_cloud.las
Support for calibrated camera data and DSM/DTM is coming later.
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