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Nira Help Center
Prepare Data for Nira (before upload to Nira)
Prepare Data for Nira (before upload to Nira)
File Formats
What file formats does Nira support?
Does Nira support point cloud files?
Does Nira support georeferenced files?
Does Nira support 2D planimetric or 3D contour linework files?
OBJ color and MTL material settings
How well does Nira support IFC files?
How do I export from...
RealityCapture custom Ground Plane compatibility
DJI Terra
Agisoft Metashape
3DF Zephyr
Bentley iTwin (Formerly ContextCapture)
See all 13 articles
Getting Started
Useful tips before your asset upload
How do I upload an asset to Nira?
Where is my data stored?
What are normals and should I include them with my models?
Are there ideal dimensions (width and height) for texture files?
Uploading fbx/glb files with embedded texture data is not recommended
See all 9 articles
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