To export data from ContextCapture, we suggest following these instructions, which use the BlocksExchange camera format rather than ATExport, but the ATExport method is still documented below in case they're still useful for certain advanced use cases.
A note on georeferencing:
If your photo includes geotag EXIF metadata, ContextCapture will automatically choose the local WGS 84 / UTM Spatial Reference System (SRS) during the Reconstruction step.
You can change to a different SRS if you prefer a something else, but be sure it's cartesian. To check this, look up the EPSG code here: Ensure that it includes "Coordinate System: Cartesian 2D CS". For example, the page for EPSG:28992 confirms that is cartesian, whereas EPSG:4326 is not. If your preferred coordinate system is not cartesian, you should use a UTM Zone instead.
Export Production as OBJ (mesh) + JPG (texture)
- Submit new production...
- Choose OBJ wavefront format from Format/Options. Set Texture compression to 100% quality JPEG.
- Change the Spatial reference system to match the SRS used during AT.
Export Camera AT data as ATExport XML
1. Export block...
2. Change Output format to ATExport XML format.
3. Change Spatial reference system to match what was used for AT
Upload the exported obj, mtl, jpg files along with both xml files (metadata.xml and
Block_1 - AT - export.xml) together with your original photos to Nira.
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