What is a user and why do I need them? What is a user and why do I need them?

What is a user and why do I need them?

Note: User accounts and user-based access controls are only available with Professional and Enterprise plans.

While Nira's simple asset sharing methods provide a great deal of power and flexibility, for certain organizations, a more advanced level of access control is required. Below are some key functionalities offered by Nira's user accounts and user-role-based permission system:

  • You can grant Administrator access to other users in your organization, which allows them full access to all assets and all billing functions.
  • You can have a set of users called Team Members that can upload new assets and have edit access to all assets, but they cannot perform certain billing functions or any user account management functions
  • You can have a set of users called Contributors that have the ability to upload assets to your organization and view/edit the assets they've uploaded, but they cannot access any of your organization's other assets unless you specifically grant them such access on a per-asset basis.
  • You can have a set of users called External Guests that by default cannot view any of your organization's assets, but you can grant them View or Edit access to particular assets of your choosing.
  • You can configure an expiration date for a particular Contributor or External Guest user's View or Edit access to an asset.
  • At any time, you can disable a particular user account to revoke all of their access to your organization's Nira assets.
  • You can integrate Nira's user account system with your organization's SSO system to avoid having to manage a separate set of user accounts within Nira.

As mentioned in the bullet points above above, there are four user types (a.k.a., privileges or roles): Admin, Team Member, Contributor, and External Guest. Their capabilities are shown in the table below in addition to other documentation related to user accounts. For details on how to share assets using user accounts, see Advanced Sharing with user-role based access controls.

Permissions by role:



Adding a user:

Within the Admin panel, click the + Add button.   You'll be prompted to add a user via email and assign a role.




An Admin has complete control over the organization. They can create, view, edit, share, and delete all assets. Admins can also add, edit, and disable user accounts, as well as manage account subscription and payment information.


Team Member:

A Team Member has most of the capabilities of an Admin (i.e., can create, view, edit, share, and delete all assets).  A Team Member cannot add or deactivate other user accounts or subscription/payment settings.



A Contributor can only access assets that have been specifically shared with them. An Admin or Team Member will choose what level of access to grant Contributor(s) on a per-asset basis.  Also, a Contributor can create new assets (via upload), and is automatically granted access to edit any asset that they create.  An Admin or Team member may revoke access to assets uploaded by the Contributor at any time.


External Guest:

An External Guest can only access assets that have been specifically shared with them. An Admin or Team Member will choose what level of access (view or edit) to grant them on a per-asset basis. An External Guest cannot create new assets.


Screenshot of user roles:



Deactivate a user:

You can not delete a user, you can, however, Deactivate a user.  Deactivating a user will prevent them from having access to your org.  Nira does not allow for user deletion because that would break chain of custody and collaboration history.   To disable a user, an Admin will need to click the Edit button next to the user name in the user list.  Removing a user from your org means they will no longer have access to any private assets within your org.  Any content that they have uploaded, along with any comments or markups they've made, will remain but the respective user will not have access to them.




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