ODM may output two OBJ files.  You'll only want to upload one of the two.  Choose the one with the name "geo" in it.  Be sure to also include the associated MTL and PNG files.

From your project's "odm_georeferencing" folder, you also want to include the "odm_georeferencing_model_geo.txt" file.  When uploading, please include these files in addition to your .obj file, .mtl file, and texture files. It's fine to drag your obj/mtl/textures into the upload dialog first, then drag the additional files into the dialog after that. Just be sure everything is included when you click Start Upload.   Adding georeferencing files (prj/xyz/txt) to an old, existing asset using the + button will not give that asset georeferencing capabilities, so you must include the georeferencing files when you first upload an asset.


As we expand support for WebODM data (camera positions, point clouds, orthomosaics), we'll extend our instructions so be sure to follow this page for updates.

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