Legacy plans only:
This article only pertains to legacy Core and Business plans. If you're subscribed to an Individual or Professional plan, please read this article instead.
Your Public Homepage is your default Nira page, showcasing a selection of your assets for anyone to discover and view.
Who can find, view, and share the assets on my Public Homepage?
Anyone can find, view, and share the assets listed on your public homepage. Moreover, your public homepage may be indexed by search engines, or featured on our homepage or social media. Only list assets on your Public homepage that you'd be pleased for anyone to find and view. A Premium asset with its [ ] Show on Public Homepage option turned off is the appropriate choice when any level of privacy is required for it (More details below).
Which assets are listed on my Public Homepage?
- Any asset with its [x] Show on Public Homepage option turned on. You can toggle this option within each asset's Visibility settings. This option is only available for Premium assets, and it is off by default.
- If you're using a legacy Core or Business plan, any Gallery Asset. This can be configured by choosing the ⦿ Gallery Asset option when you pick an asset's usage type. If you're not using a Core or Business plan, please disregard this point.
Please note, it is not possible to hide a Gallery asset from your Public homepage. If you don't want a particular asset to be shown in your Public Homepage, it must be configured as a Premium Asset.
What if I don't want a Public Homepage?
Following the steps below will ensure that you have no Public Homepage at all, and any outside visitor to your Nira homepage will see a login screen instead:
- When adjusting Visibility settings for your assets, never check the [ ] Show on Public Homepage checkbox.
- When selecting Usage Types for your assets, never pick the ⦿ Public Gallery option. This option will only exist if you're using a legacy Core or Business plan. If you're not using a Core or Business plan, please disregard this point.
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