Asset storage overview Asset storage overview

Asset storage overview

Note: If you have a legacy plan (Core or Business), this article does not apply to your plan. Please see Legacy Plans Overview and FAQ.

All current Nira plans include base storage for triangles, textures, and photos. You can upload assets at no extra cost as long as their combined totals stay within the base storage amounts for your plan:

  Individual Plan Professional Plan
Base Triangle Storage 100 Million 400 Million
Base Texture Storage 20 Gigapixels 50 Gigapixels
Base Photo Storage 100 Gigapixels 200 Gigapixels

If you need more storage, it can be added to your plan in the following increments:

  When Paying Monthly When Paying Yearly
Triangles + $4/month per 100 Million + $3/month per 100 Million
Textures + $4/month per 10 Gigapixels + $3/month per 10 Gigapixels
Photos + $1/month per 20 Gigapixels + $1/month per 20 Gigapixels

The Nira pricing page also has information and FAQ about the plans and storage.

What happens when storage capacity is exceeded?

If uploading an asset causes your account's asset storage capacity to be exceeded, you will be able to view it. However, certain features will not be available with the asset, such as sharing. Additionally, you will not be able to upload new assets. To regain the ability to upload new assets and restore full functionality to your most recently uploaded asset, your account must have sufficient capacity for all assets. You can achieve this by either purchasing more storage capacity or by removing existing assets until your usage is within your storage capacity.

How to purchase more asset storage capacity

There are two ways you can increase your plan's asset storage capacity.

Method 1: Increase your asset storage capacity when prompted.

Nira will display the following prompts at the top of the asset list or affected asset pages when you've exceeded any of your triangle, photo, or texture storage capacities:

"Recent uploads have exceeded the storage capacity of your account. Click here to increase it."


"This asset has limited features because it has exceeded the storage capacity of your account. Click here to increase it."

Clicking the link will open a dialog to confirm that you wish to increase your storage by the necessary amounts to store your recently uploaded data.

Method 2: Increase your asset storage capacity using the billing page.

Visit your billing page by clicking the Hamburger Menu in the upper left corner, then clicking Billing. On the billing page, expand the Asset Storage section and increase your storage capacities as needed, then click the Change Capacity... button.

How to decrease asset storage capacity and receive a prorated account credit

Visit your billing page by clicking the Hamburger Menu in the upper left corner, then clicking Billing. On the billing page, expand the Asset Storage section, decrease your storage capacities as desired, then click the Change Capacity... button. Immediately upon clicking Change Capacity..., you'll receive an account credit for the unused portion of that storage for your billing period. For example, if you have 25 days left in your current monthly billing period and you reduced your triangle storage by 100 Million, which is $4 / mo, you would receive a credit for 25 / 30 * $4 or $3.33.  This credit will automatically be used toward future storage or subscription fees. Please note, the credit is applied to your Nira account. It is not applied as a refund to your payment method.

Your triangle, texture, and photo capacity cannot be decreased to be below your current usage. If desired, you can remove some assets to decrease your usage prior to decreasing your storage capacity.

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